Minggu, 15 April 2012

Not So Random Randomness

Dear Et6'ers,

My computer is finally back up and running. I just could not type a whole blog on a dreaded touch screen phone. It just was not happening. As much as I LOVES ME SOME Y'ALL I just couldn't do it. None the less I'm back and I missed you guys. I must say I don't feel the love because i don't get emails or questions from you guys. Don't worry i wont hold it against you guys, i still love y'all. this week i wanna talk about some of the most random things possible. if y'all know me y'all know ain't a damn thing random about these topics lol. I write about things near and dear to my heart whether its from the experiences of friends or from the pages of my own life

I want you to listen to what i am about to say very closely, because you will miss it if you don't. RELATIONSHIPS ARE HARD WORK. This simply means that if you want to be in a healthy loving relationship you must work for it. Put your ego down, lay your pride to the side and bring your head out of the clouds. In my opinion, relationships are like job/careers (quick affairs=jobs, long terms loves =careers). Both parties should ALWAYS be working for their pay. The pay in this case would be the love, companionship, respect, affection and all the other perks that come with a healthy relationship. Yes quality cookies and great peen is included in those perks. that will come with time. It should never be the main focus of the relationship. Trey and I didn't have to tell you that "sex aint better than love" Y'all knew that already, right? lol just nod, smile and pretend you did. I promise not to judge you.

In any functioning relationship there will be times that you will make decisions that you would not normally make if you were single. These decisions wont be remotely close to your normal thought pattern. Yet and still it will make perfect sense because its for the greater good of the relationship. Example: you want to get a brand new motorcycle rather than getting a car. Simply because you want a bike and that's how you feel. She is terrified of motor bikes and she needs a ride too. You get a new car instead. You see, you knew exactly what you wanted and the reasons why yet and still you chose the car. It was for the greater good of the relationship. IF BOTH PARTIES ARE NOT WILLING TO BE DEDICATED TO THE SAME GOAL YOU ARE BOTH WASTING TIME. WHILE RELATIONSHIPS ARE HARD WORK, THEY SHOULD BE FAIRLY EASY. WATCH THIS, IF YOU LOVE WHAT YOU FOR A LIVING YOU WILL NEVER WORK A DAY IN YOUR LIFE. THE SAME IS TRUE FOR LOVE.
I guess I'm saying this to remind myself that I cannot control every aspect of anything, including my relationship. I have to let love live, by learning to compromise. So much for being a damn Taurus. lol....

Since the last time we spoke I discovered that I had a crush. I believe that crushes are completely healthy and necessary in healthy relationships. First off let me say this, I shocked the sh!t out of myself when i noticed that I had this crush. i felt so child like, so weird so good. It was refreshing to see that someone could still be intriguing enough to strike that hidden crush nerve. Crushes are innocent until lines get crossed. I'm gonna leave that at that... (i'm sure you guys will ask if i crossed them. Its more fun when you create your own ending)

Next topic.... Drum Roll Please......... (tapping on my own desk lol)


I was never really big on porn. I just couldn't see the point in watching someone else do what i should and could be doing. lol. I must say i was pleasantly surprised to see that so many woman admitted to watching porn with and without their lover. i was even more surprised to find out how many of them own their own porn. I all of a sudden felt like a creep for not doing it lol. Im asking you, what are your feelings on porn in and out of the relationship?

Email me at ET6Jewel@gmail.com

Before I go I leave you with this quote to think about.... it will be mentioned next week... Open Relationships!

"There's nothing wrong with sexual feelings in themselves, so long as they are straightforward and not sneaking or sly. The right sort of sex stimulus is invaluable to human daily life. Without it the world grows grey." D.H Lawrence ATTRIBUTION

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