Sabtu, 28 April 2012

MMG Star Rumored To Be Dating Rihanna!

We’ve been hearing rumors since January that MMG breakout star Meek Mill was dating the baddest of them all, Rihanna. Well, now, a rock solid source inside MMG has confirmed to us that Meek and Ri Ri have indeed been getting it in and spending lots of time together in Los Angeles.
We all know how Rihanna likes to air her grievances and document her intimate feeling on Twitter, so we took a look at her timeline, and we found lots of slight hints from both Rihanna and Meek Mill about their blossoming relationship.
Exhibit A. — Rihanna and Mills were tweeting each other back in February, with both of them tweeting each other’s lyrics mixed with a sexually suggestive twist. Check out the tweets below:

The two also tweeted each other directly. Check out those tweets below:
Exhibit B. – Back in January, it was reported that Rihanna was in a club when she asked the DJ to quit playing her music and requested to hear Meek Mill. Hmm.
Exhibit C – Just recently, Meek instagram’d a photo of Jahlil Beats and his homie Leem crashing in the studio, and Ri Ri commented twice on the photo, hinting that she knew the crew had been eating weed brownies and alluding that she had been hanging out in the studio with them. Meek never mentioned anything about brownies. Check out the tweets below:
Look for these two to come out with a collabo song real soon. Rihanna sure does get around, doesn’t she? I wonder how Drake feels about this….

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