Minggu, 29 April 2012

The Ugliest Celebrity Feet (You Won’t Believe The Pretty Faces These Ugly Feet Belong To)

 Keri Hilson

Keri baby… What’s up with the corn field you’re growing on your feet?!  Apparently Ms. Hilson’s corned dogs get more love on the web than shoe does.

Serena Williams

Serena’s toes are twisted like they’re about to return a serve.  But they are the jacked feet of a hard-working champion athlete.


Can you believe these are the feet of a woman who called our lovely FLOTUS Michelle O ugly?! Shame Iman, shame.

Katie Holmes

Katie’s Holme’s feet looks like she digs graves for a living.


Awww!!! Oprah, say it ain’t so. Oprah’s jack hammer feet have been snapped and reblogged on the net more than the Kardashian’s.

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